Tonotopic Records.
Developing artists
from demo to
Swedish pop duo 'jon and julia'
sign record deal

Jon Sundberg and Julia Blomgren from Stockholm have been writing songs and performing together for several years, both in other bands musical acts since 2010. When their latest project fell apart they decided to unite as a song writing duo, and have been releasing catchy tunes throughout 2018.
After submitting demos to various labels, Tonotopic Records picked them up after hearing what was in store for 2019. Now signed, we decided to catchy up with the pair to see what makes them tick......

How did Jon and Julia start out?
We played together in another band a few years back but half of the members moved to different parts of the country (Sweden). We decided to stick together and go out on our own, hence the name! - Jon
Who plays which instruments?
Jon plays bass, guitar and piano and I play piano and guitar, we both sing. On the songs we've recorded our co-producer Daniel Lindblom plays a lot of different parts (guitar mostly). Måns Lindblom is the drummer you hear, they're both really great musicians. We've also a song coming up which Olle Nyberg plays keyboard. He's worked with Björn Afzelius and our own Bruce Springsteen, Ulf Lundell.
What genre would you say you into and who are your major influences?
We would say pop that’s drawn into the sphere or rock. There’s so many influences like The Beatles, Stones, Stevie Wonder, Fleetwood mac, Blondie; too many to say.
Who writes your songs?
Until recently it’s been quite separated, as we've mostly been writing our own songs and bringing them to the table. Now we write together much more often, Julia writes a lot of the lyrics. - Jon
What’s the process like?
It could start with a riff, or it could start with someone coming with a complete song that we later change in some way, so that it suits both our tastes. We're not always agreeing on what we like but on another level we're thinking quite the same in terms of songwriting. - Jon
When you’re recording where do you go?
We travel a bit up north in Sweden to a studio in a small city called Bollnäs. There we work with Daniel Lindblom in a well kitted out studio.
What are rehearsals like?
Right now they're fun, simple as that!
Do you have a set time each week or just jam whenever?
Hard to say, we used to meet quite randomly but now it’s getting structured as things become more serious, at least once a week for sure.
What has been your biggest challenge so far?
Getting signed; we’ve been wanting to take things to the next level for a while and the contact net and PR strategy a record label has is valuable. We like to work with people who love music as well so finding the right people has been a challenge.
What advice do you have for bands just starting out?
Take your time, have fun, play and write a lot and listen to a lot of great music.

'Hips are Rolling'