The Corn People

Genre: Avante Garde/Electro
“Who are the Corn People? We’re hoping you can help answer that. Receiving anonymous letters from a band who only identify as “The Corn People,” I’ve been posting the dozens of songs they send me on Bandcamp.
They create this sonically pure controlled chaos, “trying to perform in a Grateful Dead type jam, but with the instruments of an 80s New Wave band.” While it may not be Grateful Dead, it is certainly different.
Quotes from a hundred-year-old experimental Russian opera, live shows in the lost city of Atlantis, performances of 60-72 hour plays, songs written backward, and more are just a few of the amazing things I’ve been told and have heard, from The Corn People.
It would be a shame not to share this amazing material with the world, so I’ve joined with Tonotopic Records to release The Corn People all over. But, however mysterious may they seem, The Corn People have made one thing clear.
Corn People are People Too.”
Grant Charney is a visual and performance artist, with a taste for music. He started writing music when he was 12 years old, recording mixtapes in his closet. Moving onto more serious music at 16, he began punk band Johnny Hates 45’s, defined as “art punk” with a mix of Devo, Dead Kennedys, and a little extra punch. A year later he founded Social Fools Booking, a DIY collective for booking bands for live shows, and promoting. As well as holding a post on the Board of Directors at the famous Mr. Roboto Project, then giving a TEDx talk on the history of punk rock and how it might help motivate our youth, Grant has experimented in new forms of music and art. Incorporating Dada, Surrealist, and Futurism ideals into instrumental songs featuring droning, ringing, punchy, and phat synthesizers, The Corn People is his newest project.